Daily Archives: August 19, 2010

Maybe re-inventing the wheel isn’t such a bad idea

Let me tell you a little something about Chris Brogan.  I know why people listen to him, I know why they like him, and I know why I have felt the urge to write this since I met him.  It’s because he makes us think. 

For example his post “Know Your Business”  gave me incredible inspiration that had nothing to do with business, but rather the core of who I am.  The part of his post that resonated with me was:

“the story of a 100 year old city that’s looking to reinvent and rebuild and reuse the better parts of the past, while never losing sight of those parts we all might wish to forget, but never should.”

It made me think of how “great” we could be if we reinvent, rebuild and reuse the better parts of ourselves AND we don’t lose sight of our past.  That definitely doesn’t mean to hold onto the past, but rather use it in a way that “works” for us.  That is an empowering way to look at life.  You have a choice in each and every instant to decide to take this path.  The path where you choose who you are and what that means, every second of every day.

There are times in life when we all encounter a situation that makes us ask, “Why me? or Why now?” Every moment in your life, the good and bad, has led to the person you are today.  Are you happy with that person?  If so, that is fantastic.  If not, then do something different.  Choose a different interpretation of your life.  Reinvent yourself.  Don’t wait to do it, go for it.  And if you are happy with who you are (I am by the way), couldn’t we all use a little improvement?  Maybe whoever said, we shouldn’t reinvent the wheel was wrong… 

How great would it be if we were all doing that, creating better versions of ourselves, our businesses and our world? What are we waiting for…a sign?  Well here’s your sign. 

Thanks Chris. And thanks to those who are reading this, I hope that one day instead of saying “think outside the box” we say “what box?”



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